

Hemp is from the Cannabis genus and refers to the fiber and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant species. It’s one of the fastest-growing plants and has been cultivated for various purposes for thousands of years. Hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts, are highly nutritious and rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Additionally, hemp is used in the production of CBD (cannabidiol) oil, a popular health supplement derived from hemp plants with low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound found in marijuana.

Hemp Facts

Hemp seeds, oil and nuts are amazing dietary and cosmetic substances. There are a wide range of benefits to using hemp products. Hemp seeds, nuts and oil are unlike any other food on earth. Hemp contains the 9 essential amino acids required for good health.

People can consume hemp as a substitute for nuts if they have an allergy.

China is the largest producer of hemp. Hemp is highly nutritious, and retains the necessary fatty acid proportion required for humans. It is a great dietary supplement in any form. It does not contain whey or lactose, and is a fantastic substitute food for people who have nut allergies.

Vegetarians and vegans can supplement their diet with protein rich hemp. Hemp can assist with several medical conditions and has many health benefits.

CBD Oils

CBD oils are also derived from the cannabis plant. CBD (cannabidiol) does not come from hemp seeds. While hemp seeds are nutritious and contain beneficial compounds such as protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, they do not contain significant amounts of CBD.

CBD is primarily extracted from the flowers, leaves and stalks of the cannabis plant, particularly from strains bred to have high CBD content and low THC content.

The Hemp Plant

Hemp is a versatile plant that contains protein, fiber and CBD oil in various parts, including the seeds, stalks, leaves and flowers. Hemp fiber from the stalks is considered an industrial material, whereas other parts of the hemp plant, such as the seeds, leaves and flowers, are used for food and nutritional purposes. We will explore in more detail below:

Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious parts of the hemp plant and are rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. They contain approximately 25% protein by weight and are considered a complete protein source, meaning they provide all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own.

Additionally, hemp seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which supports digestive health and regularity. other parts of the hemp plant, such as the seeds and leaves, are edible and valued for their nutritional benefits.

Hemp Stalks: Fiber is a highly valuable part of the hemp plant. It is referred to as bast, and is found on the outside of the woody interior of the plants stalk. The stalks of the hemp plant contain long, fibrous strands that are used to produce hemp fiber.

The fiber obtained from the stalk is not typically consumed as food. Hemp fiber is valued for its strength, durability and versatility and is used in various industrial applications, including textiles, paper, construction materials, automotive manufacturing and biodegradable plastics.

Hemp Leaves: While less commonly consumed compared to the seeds and stalks, hemp leaves are also rich in protein and fiber. They can be used fresh in salads, juiced, or dried and powdered for use in smoothies, teas, and other culinary creations.

Like other parts of the hemp plant, hemp leaves contain dietary fiber that supports digestive health and may offer additional health benefits when included in the diet.

Hemp Flowers: CBD is primarily extracted from the flowers, as well as the leaves, and stalks of the cannabis plant, particularly from strains bred to have high CBD content and low THC content.

Hemp fibers are commonly used in textiles, paper, construction materials and biodegradable plastics.

Health benefits of Hemp

There are several health benefits that are attributed to consumption of hemp. The benefits include: reduction of cardiovascular disease, reduction of cancer, alleviate the symptoms of bipolar disease and also those of rheumatoid arthritis, due to their Omega 3 oils, protein, essential fatty acids and CBD.

Below we will explore in more detail:

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds can be eaten whole or used to produce oil extract. Both forms offer nutritional benefits:

Whole Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are nutritious and versatile, making them a popular addition to various dishes. They have a mild, nutty flavor and a crunchy texture.

Whole hemp seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, or toasted and incorporated into salads, smoothies, yogurt, granola, baked goods, and more. They are rich in protein, healthy fats (including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids), vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. Extracting oil from hemp seeds can be done using mechanical pressing or solvent extraction methods, with cold pressing being a preferred option for preserving the oil’s nutritional value.

Hemp seed oil is valued for its nutritional profile and potential health benefits. It has a slightly nutty flavor and can be used as a cooking oil or drizzled over foods as a finishing oil.

Hemp seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are important for heart health and overall well-being. It also contains antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

How to Consume Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds can be consumed raw, roasted or ground into hemp seed oil, which is used in cooking and as a dietary supplement. Both whole hemp seeds and hemp seed oil offer a convenient way to incorporate the nutritional benefits of hemp into your diet.

Whether you choose to eat whole hemp seeds as a snack or use hemp seed oil in cooking, both forms can contribute to a healthy and balanced diet.

Dr. Weil states that people with nut allergies should substitute hemp seeds for nuts in order to avoid allergic reactions. He also states that people with lactose intolerance can safely drink hemp milk.

People with skin conditions, lactose intolerance, nut allergies and whey allergies can ingest hemp without having to worry about an allergic reaction. Overall hemp is an amazing dietary supplement that has many health benefits.

Active Ingredients in Hemp Seeds

Omega 3 Oils in Hemp Seeds

Roughly 40% of the weight of hemp seed is healthy, consumable oil that contains 80% essential fatty acid and can be used for cooking. 75-80% of the fat in hemp is polyunsaturated, primarily omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. The hemp amount of omega 3 is in balance with the amount of omega 6. Although the exact optimal ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is not yet known, the ratio in hemp (about 3:1) is probably close to ideal. Hemp is also unique in that the omega 3 isn’t 100% alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Hemp also contains two other omega 3 fats; stearidonic acid and small amounts of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA is rarely found in plant sources. Hemp contains 50-70% Linoleic acid (LA), 15–25% alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and 1–6% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is an omega 6 oil, which is usually made from linoleic acid by our bodies. It is important to have a good ration of omega 3 to omega 6.

Most Western diets contain too much omega 6 which is associated with a number of negative health issues. It is therefore important to increase intake of Omega 3’s. Hemp seeds provide a higher omega 3 dietary supplement amount than walnuts!

Famous health food guru Dr. Andrew Weil suggests that consumption of hemp can correct the imbalance of fatty acids in the diet. He bases this on the fact that Americans eat a lot more Omega 6 fatty acids compared to intake of omega 3 fatty acids. This can be detrimental to one’s health.

Hemp Seeds are a Great Source of Protein

There is an abundant amount of protein content in hemp seeds and it is very digestible.

Protein is the other major component of Hemp at 33%, second only to soy at 35% protein content, but Hemp protein is more easily digestible because it is primarily globular proteins (33% albumin and 65% edestin). Globular proteins are soluble in water (unlike fibrous proteins) therefore they are much more easily absorbed by the Human digestive system.

Hemp is commonly used to add protein to the diet plans of vegetarians and vegans. It is a marvellous dairy-free and natural substitute for whey. A handful of the seeds provides the minimum daily requirement of protein for adults. When hemp is consumed, the body obtains what is needs without non-essential calories.

Hemp Seed Oil Health Benefits

Hemp seed oil helps to remedy several medical conditions including acne, psoriasis, osteoporosis, cancer and multiple sclerosis. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing agent. It balances dry skin, heals skin lesions, and contains anti-oxidants and moisture balancing properties. Hemp seed oil moisturises the skin and prevents moisture loss on a physiological level. Most oils only coat the top layer of the skin, but hemp oil provides deep moisturization.

Essential Fatty Acids from Hemp Seeds

The balance of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in hemp seed oil can satisfy our needs for these essential fatty acids (EFAs) very well. Both the complete protein and the essential oils contained in hemp seeds are in ideal ratios for human nutrition.

Now we will discuss CBD (Cannabidiol):

CBD Oils

CBD oils are products derived from the cannabis plant, specifically from strains that have high concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD) and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. These oils contain CBD extract, which is typically obtained through various extraction methods, such as CO2 extraction or solvent extraction.

CBD (cannabidiol) does not come from hemp seeds. CBD is primarily extracted from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the cannabis plant, particularly from strains bred to have high CBD content and low THC content. While hemp seeds are nutritious and contain beneficial compounds such as protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, they do not contain significant amounts of CBD.

CBD is produced in specialized glandular structures known as trichomes, which are primarily found on the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. These trichomes secrete resinous substances that contain cannabinoids like CBD, as well as terpenes and other phytochemicals.

To obtain CBD oil, manufacturers typically use extraction methods to isolate and concentrate CBD from the plant material. Common extraction methods include CO2 extraction, solvent extraction, and ethanol extraction. Once extracted, CBD oil can be formulated into various products, including oils, tinctures, capsules, edibles, topicals, and more.

CBD oils come in different forms, including:

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil: This type of oil contains all the naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other compounds found in the cannabis plant, including trace amounts of THC (usually less than 0.3%). Full-spectrum oils are believed to offer the benefits of the “entourage effect,” where the different compounds work together synergistically to enhance therapeutic effects.

Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil: Similar to full-spectrum oil, broad-spectrum oil contains multiple cannabinoids and other compounds found in the cannabis plant, but it undergoes additional processing to remove all traces of THC, making it THC-free.

CBD Isolate: This is the purest form of CBD oil, containing only CBD with no other cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids. CBD isolate is often preferred by individuals who want to avoid THC completely or those who are sensitive to other cannabis compounds.

Nano CBD Oil: Nano CBD oil contains CBD molecules that have been broken down into nanoparticles, allowing for faster and more efficient absorption by the body. Nano CBD oils are believed to have higher bioavailability, meaning they can be absorbed more easily and quickly than traditional CBD oils.

CBD Oil with Added Ingredients: Some CBD oils may contain additional ingredients, such as other botanical extracts, vitamins, minerals, or essential oils, to enhance their therapeutic effects or flavor. These formulations are often tailored to specific wellness goals, such as relaxation, sleep support, or immune support.

CBD Oil Health Benefits

CBD oils, derived from hemp plants with low THC content, are used for various purposes due to their potential health benefits. They are commonly used for various health and wellness purposes, including pain relief, anxiety management, sleep support, and more.

Below we will discuss some common uses of CBD oils:

Pain Relief: CBD has analgesic (pain-relieving) properties and may help alleviate chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, neuropathic pain, and migraines.

Anxiety and Depression: CBD has been studied for its potential to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by interacting with serotonin receptors in the brain. It may help promote feelings of relaxation and improve mood.

Sleep Disorders: CBD may help improve sleep quality and duration by reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. It is commonly used by individuals with insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders: Epidiolex, a pharmaceutical-grade CBD medication, has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of certain types of epilepsy, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Neurological Conditions: CBD has shown promise in preclinical studies for its potential neuroprotective effects and its ability to reduce inflammation in the brain. It is being investigated as a potential treatment for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Skin Conditions: CBD may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it beneficial for treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It is often used in topical formulations such as creams and lotions.

Nausea and Vomiting: CBD may help alleviate nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy treatment, as well as nausea caused by other medical conditions.

Addiction Management: Preliminary research suggests that CBD may help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms in individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders, including opioid addiction.

Heart Health: CBD has been studied for its potential cardiovascular benefits, including its ability to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and improve heart function.

How to Consume CBD

CBD oils are found in health drinks and oils. CBD oils are typically consumed sublingually (under the tongue), where they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes. They can also be applied topically.

CBD oils are available in different types, strengths and concentrations, each with its own characteristics to accommodate individual needs, preferences and intended uses. It’s important to choose a CBD oil type that aligns with your individual preferences, needs, and goals.

Additionally, it’s recommended to purchase CBD oils from reputable brands that provide third-party lab testing to ensure product quality, purity and potency.

Where to Buy


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Hemp Herb Notes / Side Effects

Hemp, a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species, is generally considered safe for consumption and use. However, like any substance, hemp may cause side effects in some individuals, particularly when consumed in large amounts or in certain forms.

Some potential side effects of hemp include:

Digestive Issues: Consuming hemp seeds or hemp-based products may cause digestive discomfort in some individuals, such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea. This may be due to the high fiber content of hemp seeds, which can be difficult for some people to digest, especially if they are not accustomed to a high-fiber diet.

Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals may be allergic to hemp or cannabis-related products. Allergic reactions to hemp may manifest as skin rashes, itching, hives, swelling, or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing. Anyone experiencing allergic symptoms after consuming hemp should seek medical attention promptly.

Drug Interactions: Hemp products, particularly those containing CBD, may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners, anticoagulants, anti-seizure medications, and some antidepressants. CBD can inhibit the activity of certain enzymes in the liver that metabolize drugs, potentially leading to altered blood levels and effects of these medications. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using hemp products, especially if you are taking medications or have underlying health conditions.

Psychoactive Effects: Whilst hemp contains only trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, consuming large amounts of hemp-derived products, particularly full-spectrum CBD oil, may lead to mild psychoactive effects in sensitive individuals. These effects may include changes in mood, perception, or cognition, although they are typically much milder than those associated with marijuana use.

Quality and Contamination Issues: Poor-quality hemp products, such as those contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, or other harmful substances, may pose health risks to consumers. It’s essential to choose hemp products from reputable brands that adhere to stringent quality standards and provide third-party lab testing results to ensure product safety and purity.

Overall, most people can consume hemp products safely and without experiencing adverse effects. However, individuals with known allergies to hemp or cannabis-related products, those taking medications, or those with underlying health conditions should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional before using hemp-derived products.

Latin Name

Cannabis sativa

Common Names

Hemp, hemp hearts, bast fiber, cannabidiol, CBD, non-psychoactive cannabis, hemp seed.

Properties of Hemp

Omega 3 oils, vegan protein, fiber/fibre, essential fatty acids, CBD oils.

Hemp Seed is Indicated for:

Cardiovascular disease, cancer, bipolar disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic illnesses, bipolar disease, heart health, addiction management, nausea and vomiting, pain relief, skin conditions, neurological conditions, sleep disorders, epilepsy and seizures, anxiety, depression.

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